The Top 5 Gifts For Your Mom This Mother’s Day

The Top 5 Gifts For Your Mom This Mother’s Day

The Top 5 Gifts For Your Mom This Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is Sunday, and I will admit that for many years, I didn’t give much attention to the day. Sure, I sent a card and flowers and called her. However, now that she has been gone for three years, I am clear about the gifts that would have really meant something to her … and to me.

#1 – Write her a LOVE letter (or record a video love letter)

Make a list of the top five great memories or things you appreciate about your mom. Write them down in a love letter or record a video she can watch over and over. It is a gift that she will cherish forever. I know this because many years later I found one of the letters I had written that she had kept in a place she put her important things. Even if your mom is gone, this is a great exercise to connect with her, and I promise she will hear it!

#2 – Take her on an experience date

Plan an outing, besides to a restaurant, that is just the two of you. Make this about an experience. How about taking a painting class at your local paint and sip establishment, or maybe a pottery class or a cooking class? How about bowling or taking a walk through the botanical gardens? Whatever you choose, focus all your energy and attention on experiencing it together and making memories.

#3 – Do a photo shoot with just the two of you

Whether you hire a professional photographer, or just get a selfie stick and remote, Mom will love looking at those pictures of the two of you (this is not family portrait time) for years to come. Do silly things. Make silly faces. Go fun places and make it a selfie-indulgent day! Worried your siblings will be mad? No fear. They can do it with mom next year.

#4 – Cook her all her favorite foods or ask for a cooking lesson

How often did mom cook you all of your favorite foods? For me it was a lot, and my mom was a great cook! I miss her peach pie and cinnamon rolls with peanut butter frosting! Again, this is about the two of you spending time together, so take the time to make her something that she loves. It will be even more special if you ask her to show you how to make it. I remember an amazing day that Mom and I spent together when she taught me how to make her homemade buns and rolls.

#5 – Buy a gift that only the two of you understand

If you must buy a gift, then really put some thought into it. Buy something that’s your own little inside joke or that no one else will understand. Maybe it’s a DVD of a movie that you both love with a date to watch it together. Perhaps it’s a Yoda keychain because you know her guilty pleasure is watching Star Wars movies. Maybe it’s a little owl figurine with a note telling her how much it meant when you used to go outside at night and listen to the owls. Sure it’s easier to go on-line, order the flowers, and check it off your list. And yes, for some of you doing some of the above might be out of your comfort zone. Trust me, though, carrying you for nine months was WAY out of her comfort zone.

Make this Mother’s Day the one she remembers forever. These gifts are perfect as well for all of the moms in your life! Choose JOY!