What´s On Your Values List?

What´s On Your Values List?

I was blown away.

I even knew they did it every morning.

I had seen snippets of videos showing these moments.

I had heard stories.

However, it wasn’t until I got to experience it that I realized how special it is.

I share this story with the permission of Lenny and Krista Houweling and their four children.

The Houweling adults took what they learned and put it into action.

And it was beautiful.

On Friday morning at 8:15 I was invited to the Family Huddle. It happens every week day.

Every. Week. Day.

Lenny and Krista have four amazing kids who range in age from 7 to 14. On this morning, their 10-year-old called everyone in, and the first thing that happened was a DANCE PARTY! The music was picked by that day’s leader and everyone participated fully – including me and another house guest. We even each got a moment to get in the middle of the circle and do our thing!

Now I’ve been talking about the benefit of doing morning dance parties for years. I do them for myself to raise the vibe. And I saw the effect in action with all the smiles in that room.

Just this alone would be huge, right? Sending everyone off to work and school with a smile and increased energy for the day. That was just the beginning though.

Once the song was over we huddled up and sat on the floor in a circle. Our 10-year-old leader instructed us to “take in a deep cleansing breath and look into the faces of your family and friends”. We made eye contact with each other and connected. Then each of us was asked to share what we were excited about, or what would be good about, that day. We each shared and supported each other. It didn’t take long, and what I loved most about it is that no one rushed through it. Each of us was truly present for everyone else.

The huddle ended with our young leader saying a prayer, asking God to watch over everyone along with a few special requests. As soon as it was over, the coats and boots went on, and the kids left for school.

The love in that circle was palpable. And the next day, in my second huddle, we had a little extra time, so we connected to their family values, which are shown in the photo above. They called out their values and then allowed me to add one of mine, since I was now family. I added transparency, one of my core values, and we got to talk about what that meant.

What are your values? What are the values of each member of your family? Your friends? Your team? How much more fully could you support them if you knew this?

Thank you Lenny, Krista and your four wonderful kids for welcoming me as family. I love you and I trust you!


Would you like help identifying your values and understanding why that’s important for you and those around you? Would you like to know more about what´s possible for you and your family to play at an advanced level? If you are ready, the first step is a call, and it’s free, because that´s one of our values. Email me at barb@high5leadership.com to set it up!

High5 Choices lead to High5 Moments to create your High5 Life!